What was the best part of The Park?

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60, male


Posts: 52

What was the best part of The Park?

from brentnhunter on 03/31/2020 03:05 PM

If you used The Park online community when it was online, what was the best part(s) for you?  What areas did you like the best?

What would you like to see here at the ECC?


Deleted user

Re: What was the best part of The Park?

from RandyNelson on 09/28/2020 02:39 PM

Wao your post selection and the best part of The Park and style both are great. I am so excited to see this.

Reply Edited on 10/02/2020 04:31 PM.


58, female


Posts: 17

Re: What was the best part of The Park?

from pinkpetals on 09/29/2020 03:47 PM

It was indeed a lot of fun and ground-breaking at the time and really still is. Wished there were venues like it today, as this day and time are prime for such interactions. 



60, male


Posts: 52

Re: What was the best part of The Park?

from brentnhunter on 01/30/2022 08:11 PM

Thanks pinkpetals, I agree that we all need a place like The Park (or ECC), to bring back a lot of the magic in meeting new people, learning new things, etc.



93, male

Posts: 3

Re: What was the best part of The Park?

from SpiderMonkey on 02/19/2022 06:20 AM

It was fun in those early days, a lot of nice people and simple practical and catchy design. 

I meet my wife there, at the time we lived in different countries. We chatted a couple of times and then lost touch for over a year. Then one day I saw a user with the same nick of the girl I had meet a year prior, it turned out it was her, out of thousands of people on the internet in those days, a year later I run into the same person. The rest is history, 25 years later we are still together and have a family. 

This we owe to The Park.



60, male


Posts: 52

Re: What was the best part of The Park?

from brentnhunter on 02/25/2022 05:52 AM

Thanks SpiderMonkey, it's so touching to hear of your love story.  Just curious what country did you and she live in at the time?  Where are you both now?

I'm also so glad to hear that you discovered ECC!



93, male

Posts: 3

Re: What was the best part of The Park?

from SpiderMonkey on 03/13/2022 12:10 AM

I lived in Canada and she lived in the US. We live in the US at the moment. Ours was not the case of somebody looking for love, or unable to find a partner in our own country, it just happened, we were friends for a while. I visited her while I was on vacation, she visited me one year, she had never seen snow and wanted to visit Canada, and so on. Eventually we got to know each other well and here we are all those years laters. The Park truly was a "magical" place.



58, female


Posts: 17

Re: What was the best part of The Park?

from pinkpetals on 03/17/2022 01:56 PM

Such a beautiful story you've shared! So happy that this connection was made through The Park!



93, male

Posts: 3

Re: What was the best part of The Park?

from SpiderMonkey on 03/18/2022 01:28 AM

Thank you :)

I have heard of similar stories from other people also. Who knows how many people's lives were changes forever or positively affected thanks to The Park. 

It feels like those were more innocent times where a majority of the people you meet were good people and the internet was not as toxic as it is today.

For years I wondered how would it be possible to bring a place like that back? How would that be managed today to recreate the same atmosphere The Park had in those days. 

There were other places besides The Park, but none of them had the same feeling to them.


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