Knowledge, Wisdom and Business

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60, male


Posts: 52

Knowledge, Wisdom and Business

from brentnhunter on 03/31/2020 05:44 PM

If you're interested in learning about how Knowledge Management can help bring wisdom into the world of business and help create a new world, please check out the following 15-minute video interview I gave at the Conscious Life Expo in Los Angeles in February, 2020:

If you have any thoughts, comments or questions after seeing the video, please let me know below.

Thank you!



57, male

Posts: 1

Re: Knowledge, Wisdom and Business

from mbh66 on 04/08/2020 12:54 PM

Hello Brent,

I am new to your community after our mutual friend, Elisabet Sahtouris, introduced me to your work. Thank you for sharing your insightful video - beautiful!

Two possible additions which sprang to mind when you spoke of the pyramid of knowledge in an organization (possibly just below wisdom):

  1. What Nora Bateson refers to as Warm Data: what we know (and are slowly learning) about the connections or relationships between datasets. See more here:
  2. Collective Intelligence, where "experts" get out the way and we recognize that we all hold a piece of the jigsaw puzzle and only by coming together (like the liminal cells in Elisabet's butterfly story) can we build the entire jigsaw puzzle of a new form of civilization.
It is this second type of "knowledge management" that fascinates me, and I look forward to exploring more of your work to hopefully pick up ideas on how we can help true collective intelligence emerge, possibly triggered by the C19 pandemic.

Many blessings to you!

Founder of The Sensemaking Collective | Writer | Speaker | Certified Strategic Foresight Practitioner | Optimistic Single Dad

Reply Edited on 04/08/2020 12:57 PM.


60, male


Posts: 52

Re: Knowledge, Wisdom and Business

from brentnhunter on 04/10/2020 04:02 AM

Hi Michael,

Welcome to ECC!

It's nice to see you here and thank you so much for your kind words regarding the video interview.  I just connected with Elisabet recently so I'm guessing finding you here is not by accident. :)

It sounds to me that what you're referring to as "warm data" might be classified as information in the traditional Wisdom Pyramid/DIKW Pyramid model.

I am also keenly interested in the subject of collective intelligence... and especially collective wisdom.  I've created a 3 hour workshop titled "Back to the Basics with Knowledge Management", which aims to help shift hearts and minds by bringing us back to very fundamental truths and common ground that we can almost all agree on. It's also a way of "talking about politics without talking about politics", which I feel is very powerful during these challenging and chaotic times.  I charge when I give it in a customized way to businesses and organizations but I give it at no charge as a service to the world community.  I'll share about it more on ECC as I get closer to offering it another time, most likely within the next 3-4 weeks.

Many blessings to you as well!



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